The Whinery

Location: Singapore

Monday, January 29, 2007

Odyssey show in Gotham Penthouse

From The Sunday Times Jan. 28, 2007 (Lifestyle, p.2)

I read an article written by Frankie Chee. My eyes kept rolling spontaneously, as though a continuous knee jerk action. It is about the male strippers group, Odyssey, who perform in Gotham Penthouse daily.

Title of the Article: Stripping away inhibitions.

Frankie wrote...

"The women scream and rush, in their heels and clutching their handbags, to the front of the stage to gawk, dance and drool as the guys shake their hips and thrust their crotches."

"The men (male strippers) tease as they take off their tops to reveal washboard abs and biceps, but they aren't allowed to go much further than that."


Basically, this is a SEE-NO-TOUCH kind of show. Below contain what is not reported:

An anonymous woman, who was present in one of the performance said “I feel so SAM PAT. Although I am a manager of an MNC, in my heart, I feel like a typical SAN BA Singaporen woman. The MEDIA here forbid any form of adult entertainment. Even crazy horse is closing down. I feel so deprived. All the cute guys are either GAY or MARRIED. The odyssey is the closest fantasy I can get. I even scratched my pair of Manolo Blahnik in the sea of SIAO CHAR BORs who rushed to the front of the stage, hoping to have a better view of those pieces of meat. Not to mention, my friend, another high flyer who feels like a deprived sam pat singaporean woman, scratched her pair of Jimmy Choo.”

“I feel sorry for the women in Singapore. Now even the ICONIC SIA GIRL is being criticized”, said an anonymous source. “They should just go to any gay bars. I am sure they get better looking hunks, and girls can “bump” into these hunks accidently on the dance floor.”

A disappointed aunty said “I wonder why women "rushed" to the front of the stage and drooled like some spastic when the guys appeared. These are guys whom they can find in any heartland malls like Junction 8 NTUC or North Point Cold Storage. Even Phua Chu Kang is cuter."

The debate on sam pat women and Odyssey continues…

Friday, January 26, 2007


Was in my product and brand management class. The lecturer showed us an ad by Levi's engineered jeans. It was very well done, the music, the facial expression of the characters, the climax etc... But the spoof of the original Levi's ad is even better!

This is the original Levi's ad:

This is the Spoof version:


Do you read blogs of people, who have crossed your path leaving unpleasant memories?

If you do, have you asked yourself, why are you curious about updates of what's happening to him/her. Not to mention, these blogs stir up emotions.

Yet, you continue to check for updates on his/her blog regularly.

I can't explain.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No using of hp cam to take pic in neo print machine

Has anyone taken photos with a camera in the neo print machine? We did.
The pictures turn out pretty good. Best of all, it's free.

The steamboat that caused Dom to have diarrhoea:

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bad Hair Day

What does Mr. Guatemala and A/P Millie Rivera have in common?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I went for a hair cut by my stylist. Never see him for at least 2 months because I've been busy.
The first thing he said to me was "You've grown fat".. Thereafter he started whining to me that he felt very sian working and wanted to take a break or to start his own salon etc..
He did not give me a discount this time. Or so he did? Anyway it is not worth the $$$.
Hence today was emotionally and financially traumatic...
After the hair cut, I went for a swim because I need to exercise more, because I've grown fat. I started whining about my weight in the pool. I think other swimmers could hear me whine.
True, my weight used to fluctuate around 65kg. Now it fluctuates around 67kg =(

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lost 21st Birthday

Have U attended a 21st birthday of someone whom U do not know at all?
It's Sharon's (Gerard's sister) birthday.
It became a gathering of friends.
We didn't even eat her birthday cake which looked so pretty.
The food was really delicious though....
Oh no! And we didnt give Sharon a present...
How thoughtful

The birthday girl is not even in the pics... She's lost =(

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sushi Buffet

This always happens. Wonder if it happens to U...

It's buffet. Must eat more. But I can't swallow anymore rice. Yet I love the unagi and salmon slices on the sushi.

How? Hide the rice somewhere! In the chawanmushi bowl? Or flatten it on the plate, and stack more plates on top?

Any better suggestions?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I cant help it. It's the pre-semester depression. I saw the readings for one of my module - economic issues in developing countries and it's HORROR!!! Oh no, did I spotted at least 4 BOOKS among these readings? 4 BOOKS????????? OMG! 4 BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..................................No amount of whining can help.

- World Bank (2005), World Development Report 2005

- UNDP (2005), Human Development Report 2005

- Amartya Sen (1999), Development as Freedom, Oxford University Press, Chapters 6, 12

- Geoffrey D Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities For Our Time, 2005

- World Bank (2002), World Development Report 2002: Building Institutions for Markets

- Kimberly Ann Elliott (1997) (ed), Corruption and the Global Economy, Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics

- Gray C W and Daniel Kaufmann (1998), “Corruption and Development”, Finance and Development, March

- Lim Chong Yah and Others (1988), Policy Options for the Singapore Economy, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, Chapter 3

- UNDP (2000), Human Development Report 2000

- The World Bank, World Development Report 1998/99

- The World Bank, ICT and MDGs: A World Bank Perspective, 2003

- “Technology and the Poor", The Economist, 10-16 November 2001, A survey after page 52

- World Bank (1994), Averting the Old Age Crisis, Oxford: Oxford University Press

- Peter S Heller (1998), “Ageing in the Asian Tiger Economies”, Finance and Development, Vol. 35, No.2, June

- William J Carrington, and Enrica Detragiache (1999), “How Extensive is the Brain Drain?” Finance and Development, Vol. 36, No.2, June

- UNDP (1992), Human Development Report 1992

- Habibullah Khan (2001), “Social Policy in Singapore: A Confucian Model?” World Bank Institute (WBI) Working Paper, January

- Ross Levine (1997), "Financial Development and Economic Growth: Views and Agenda", Journal of Economic Literature, 35(2), pp. 688-726

- Calvo, G.A. (1999), Jonathan Morduch (1999), "The Micro-finance Promise", Journal of Economic Literature, 37(4), pp. 1569-1614

- Joseph E Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents, 2002

- Jeffrey G Williamson (1998), "Globalization, Labor Markets, and Policy Backlash in the Past", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(4), pp.51-71

- Robert C Feenstra (1998), "Integration of Trade and Disintegration of Production in the Global Economy", Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(4), pp.31-50

- Maurice Obstfeld (1998), "The Global Capital Market: Benefactor or Menace?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(4), pp.9-30

- Lim Chong Yah and Others (1988) Policy Options for the Singapore Economy, op.cit., Chapter 15

AND I emailed her: if she dun care, omg! pls pray for another mod which i can do.

Dear Connie,

I can't help but worry about the amount of readings we have to do for this module. I spotted a couple of books, of which I own "Joseph E Stiglitz, Globalization and its Discontents, 2002", among MANY World bank reports.

Personally, I took MANY weeks to read, and has yet fully digest that book.

It petrifies me as it seem pretty taxing to squeeze these amount of readings into one semester. The lack of any economics background compounded my fear.

Please advice.

Best regards,

Saturday, January 06, 2007



I feel so angry listening to stories, stories of how guys who broke off with their girlfriends when they come to term with their sexual orientation, only after being in a relationship with a girl for many years.

And I came across too MANY of such stories. And I feel so angry. OMG OMG!!!! What is wrong with all of you guys??????

Poor girls. The first qn u must ask your date / bf is whether they are 100% straight. Do whatever U can to test their sexual orientation.

I think someone has to start a support group for these girls. It's SO emotionally traumatic!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Are you an Icon?

Do you see yourself as an iconic tourist attraction? A place where visitors come, bring back a piece of souvenir and leave, with no strings attached.

Of course, some visitors would buy more souvenirs, and the tourist attraction makes more money.

The bottom-line is—how should the tourist attraction be managed, such that high spending visitors would return, and on each trip, spend more than previous visits.

If you identify yourself as an Iconic tourist attraction, you are your own manager. You decide how to brand yourself.

What should you do to attract and retain valuable visitors? How to package yourself? What kind of souvenirs can u offer?

Say, a shelf display item or keychain? Or something which needs regular replacement, and that only THE Iconic attraction can offer? Or would you offer something intangible?

The ultimate goal would be to get the ONE visitor, who becomes emotionally connected with this iconic tourist attraction and this visitor must be able to sustain the survivability of this icon.

And you know that One visitor is usually easier to manage than Many visitors.

So you may ask, what’s the criteria to be an iconic tourist attraction?

Happy 2007.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

We were standing at one corner on the flyover, tucked away from the main crowds. Didn't want to rub shoulders with unglam sweaty teenagers... Didn't want people to step on my Birken and his 200 euros Michael Schumacher haha... Here are some lovely photos =)

From my camera:

From Gerard's camera and I've got his permission to publish on my blog... But Dunno whether these are really from his cam, or taken from some websites.. cos they are all so nice..