The Whinery
Monday, September 25, 2006
Fishy business

We went to this BBQ/ Steamboat Jap restaurant at Orchard Shopping Centre, level 4. I simply love those small silverish fishes filled with roe. The eatery opens till 3am. But by 830pm, they've ran out of fishes... WTH la... if the restaurant can't afford free flow of fishes then don't claim that it's buffet style dining... so absurd isn't it. And I questioned the waitress how can this happen... the waitresses went to ask the chef and omg gave me such a silly answer.. "more fishes are on the way here and you would be given the first serving when they arrive"... Such a lame answer. Other than this fishy affair, the ambience of the restaurant is not too bad.. the steamboat soup base is pretty good... and the waitresses are very polite.. yeah.. But well.. this place should not be on your top 3 list for buffet

Thursday, September 21, 2006
What has happened to ageing gracefully?
I was browsing through some photos taken during my 21st and 22nd Birthday... And I've aged so much... I look so CL... I am only 22 y.o.. The thought of looking CL reminded me of the 2 strangers I met at the Forum this evening. They asked if I am a graduate student.. cos they needed grad students to fill in their survey... Well graduate students are usually say... 26 y.o (for guys who have been thru NS and 4 yrs of undergrad studies) Any remedy that can slow down the ageing process?
21st B'dae Vs. 22nd B'dae
21st B'dae Vs. 22nd B'dae
Other 21st Pics... East Coast Pasta Fresca
Check out this guy in the group photo... He was dining at the table beside ours. Wonder why he joined in the photoshoot.. But who cares.. as long as he's cute. So well.. now there are 2 cuties in the pic..
G Strings are so uncomfortable And for obvious reason, I can't fit into the cup undies And again for obvious reason, I can't fit into the miniature condom.
22nd B'dae, Amici Restaurant...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Oral Sex

Hong Kong—A paradise for food and shopping. My aunt came back from her 3 weeks HK trip. And yes I was so excited when she came home!! Imagine 3 weeks in HK! I would expect a luggage filled with goodies. And considering she just received her CPF. Her CPF!! But guess what…She bought me an Oral B toothbrush…Yes an Oral B toothbrush from Hong Kong. That’s all… WOW…an Oral B toothbrush that probably cost less in Singapore? It’s the thought that counts? How thoughtful. She must have done a lot of brain storming before buying the gift.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Love Hurts Deeply...
This is probably the most depressing entry thus far. I've exhausted all means and ways to make myself feel better but all aren't helping. And this is very bad considering I've 4 mid term tests next week and I'm struggling to concentrate on my readings. Hopefully I can seek solace by expressing my feelings online and sharing with those who care.
This is the 2nd breakup I've endured over the past 4 months, both with the same person, let's name this person JL. We met in May 06 and started a relationship. We eventually broke off in Jul 06. Throughout this 2 months of relationship, there were Many Many Ups and Downs. Often, JL will be drunk and say hurtful remarks... I was at times insensitive to JL's feelings too. It was the period of time where we had to sort out alot of stuff. Lifestyle, personal interest and the age difference and what we look for in love and life etc etc.. The breakup was devastating. This was my first serious relationship and I was hurt so deeply, JL was hurt deeply too.
Throughout the breakup period, we maintained contact once in a while. Often, we attempted to patch back but I was so afraid and always withdraw at the last instance. 2 to 3 times I think. My actions has caused much hurt to JL because I will build up hopes everytime just to destroy it at the last moment.
We eventually patch up again in Aug 06, after JL called me late one night, and I felt I was ready to start again. Things were going on fine, at least that's what I feel. We promised to love each other. I want to love and to be loved. That's very simple, yet so difficult to achieve. What remain so ever vivid in my mind was the series of incident that took place from 9th Sep (Sat night) to 10th Sep (Sun night).
I bought breakfast over to JL's place on 09th Sep. While I did my readings, JL was doing housework and watching tv. In the late afternoon, I left to meet my parents and sister for dinner and shopping. After shopping, I went over to JL's place. At this same moment, JL was having dinner/ party at a friend's house and subsequently went to a club. At the club, JL called and I asked what time can I expect JL to be back. The reply was "I don't like to go home". In this instance, I thought haiz.. why doesn't JL feel like coming home when I am waiting at home.
I did my readings and some research till 3am.. Thereafter I send JL a message saying that I am going to sleep. There was no reply. Everytime I stayed over at JL's place, I yearn to fall asleep beside this person I love so dearly, even till now. I called JL at 4am. No one picked up the phone. At 5 am, I called again. The phone was switched off. I couldn's sleep the whole night. What came to my mind were all negative things. Has JL got into a drink driving accident or has JL lost the phone. While lying on JL's bed, I kept listening attentively to the sound of cars that went into the car park and the sound of the lift signal, hoping that JL will be back. At 8am, I could no longer bear this anxiety. I smsed JL's close friend and called my friend to express my anxiety as I felt so lost. I even thought of calling up hospitals A&E dept to check if there is a patient by this name.
No one knows JL's whereabout. At 1130am, I could no longer stay in JL's place. I went home. I received a msg from JL at 12pm+. The msg was brief " I was drunk, stayed over at friend's place, can't drive, lunch cancelled". I tried calling back but the phone was swicthed off again. My chest felt really heavy and exhausted and I can't breathe and can't even swallow food. My heart was aching so much. I felt so lost, depress and anxious. What is JL doing, what is JL thinking, what has happened etc..
At 7pm, I got a msg from JL, saying " I need to sort out certain things..." I called back. JL cried. I mentioned to JL about being accountable to me since we are attached. I need to know JL's whereabout etc.. and that being accountable means not hurting each other and not making each other worried.
JL told me " I felt so screwed up. I slept with another person. This is the first time in a relationship that I slept with someone else. I do not know if I still love you". At this instance, I thought everyone makes mistake and as long as U learn from it, I'll forgive. Also I love JL too much and I simply can't let go. Although JL reassured that this mistake Will continue and may get worst... I just couldn't let go. I have put in so much emotions already and omg.. I can't take another setback again, especially when I'm facing so much stress from school work etc..
After we hung up the phone, I started thinking to myself... Why is such a beautiful picture destroyed so suddenly. Do I really want to continue...Haiz.. sigh... It's really time to let go.
At about 10pm, JL called again. I initiated a breakup. This is a very courageous and difficult decision that I made. It is not easy for the both of us.
I woke up this morning, the first thing that came into my mind was JL. Had a good cry during shower. Came to school. Now alone in arts canteen.. This will be a hectic week. I need to rush out so many assignments, recover from this breakup and also to bring back my stuff from JL's place. I do not know how long do I need to get over this r/s. Many times I advised my friend to let go and move on.. But I can't. I am always held by noastalgia and matters of the heart.
Previously I bought 2 pillows for JL. They are still in my house. But now... well.. haiz.. who wants pillow? I can give U for free... =) To think that I can joke, I am feeling really lousy and depressed. I just hope Jinwei will come and meet me soon for lunch.
Haiz.. my uncle reads my palm lines and mentioned that I will have a turbulent love life. Indeed. I am so scared now. Don't dare to love anymore. "I was sure the rightful guardian of my life... (we promised to love each other and u even suggested a marriage during your birthday..) Damm u betrayer... how u lied!
Alright to all who are reading this entry, have a good week ahead and add to your prayers that I would recover from this asap =) Thanks
This is the 2nd breakup I've endured over the past 4 months, both with the same person, let's name this person JL. We met in May 06 and started a relationship. We eventually broke off in Jul 06. Throughout this 2 months of relationship, there were Many Many Ups and Downs. Often, JL will be drunk and say hurtful remarks... I was at times insensitive to JL's feelings too. It was the period of time where we had to sort out alot of stuff. Lifestyle, personal interest and the age difference and what we look for in love and life etc etc.. The breakup was devastating. This was my first serious relationship and I was hurt so deeply, JL was hurt deeply too.
Throughout the breakup period, we maintained contact once in a while. Often, we attempted to patch back but I was so afraid and always withdraw at the last instance. 2 to 3 times I think. My actions has caused much hurt to JL because I will build up hopes everytime just to destroy it at the last moment.
We eventually patch up again in Aug 06, after JL called me late one night, and I felt I was ready to start again. Things were going on fine, at least that's what I feel. We promised to love each other. I want to love and to be loved. That's very simple, yet so difficult to achieve. What remain so ever vivid in my mind was the series of incident that took place from 9th Sep (Sat night) to 10th Sep (Sun night).
I bought breakfast over to JL's place on 09th Sep. While I did my readings, JL was doing housework and watching tv. In the late afternoon, I left to meet my parents and sister for dinner and shopping. After shopping, I went over to JL's place. At this same moment, JL was having dinner/ party at a friend's house and subsequently went to a club. At the club, JL called and I asked what time can I expect JL to be back. The reply was "I don't like to go home". In this instance, I thought haiz.. why doesn't JL feel like coming home when I am waiting at home.
I did my readings and some research till 3am.. Thereafter I send JL a message saying that I am going to sleep. There was no reply. Everytime I stayed over at JL's place, I yearn to fall asleep beside this person I love so dearly, even till now. I called JL at 4am. No one picked up the phone. At 5 am, I called again. The phone was switched off. I couldn's sleep the whole night. What came to my mind were all negative things. Has JL got into a drink driving accident or has JL lost the phone. While lying on JL's bed, I kept listening attentively to the sound of cars that went into the car park and the sound of the lift signal, hoping that JL will be back. At 8am, I could no longer bear this anxiety. I smsed JL's close friend and called my friend to express my anxiety as I felt so lost. I even thought of calling up hospitals A&E dept to check if there is a patient by this name.
No one knows JL's whereabout. At 1130am, I could no longer stay in JL's place. I went home. I received a msg from JL at 12pm+. The msg was brief " I was drunk, stayed over at friend's place, can't drive, lunch cancelled". I tried calling back but the phone was swicthed off again. My chest felt really heavy and exhausted and I can't breathe and can't even swallow food. My heart was aching so much. I felt so lost, depress and anxious. What is JL doing, what is JL thinking, what has happened etc..
At 7pm, I got a msg from JL, saying " I need to sort out certain things..." I called back. JL cried. I mentioned to JL about being accountable to me since we are attached. I need to know JL's whereabout etc.. and that being accountable means not hurting each other and not making each other worried.
JL told me " I felt so screwed up. I slept with another person. This is the first time in a relationship that I slept with someone else. I do not know if I still love you". At this instance, I thought everyone makes mistake and as long as U learn from it, I'll forgive. Also I love JL too much and I simply can't let go. Although JL reassured that this mistake Will continue and may get worst... I just couldn't let go. I have put in so much emotions already and omg.. I can't take another setback again, especially when I'm facing so much stress from school work etc..
After we hung up the phone, I started thinking to myself... Why is such a beautiful picture destroyed so suddenly. Do I really want to continue...Haiz.. sigh... It's really time to let go.
At about 10pm, JL called again. I initiated a breakup. This is a very courageous and difficult decision that I made. It is not easy for the both of us.
I woke up this morning, the first thing that came into my mind was JL. Had a good cry during shower. Came to school. Now alone in arts canteen.. This will be a hectic week. I need to rush out so many assignments, recover from this breakup and also to bring back my stuff from JL's place. I do not know how long do I need to get over this r/s. Many times I advised my friend to let go and move on.. But I can't. I am always held by noastalgia and matters of the heart.
Previously I bought 2 pillows for JL. They are still in my house. But now... well.. haiz.. who wants pillow? I can give U for free... =) To think that I can joke, I am feeling really lousy and depressed. I just hope Jinwei will come and meet me soon for lunch.
Haiz.. my uncle reads my palm lines and mentioned that I will have a turbulent love life. Indeed. I am so scared now. Don't dare to love anymore. "I was sure the rightful guardian of my life... (we promised to love each other and u even suggested a marriage during your birthday..) Damm u betrayer... how u lied!
Alright to all who are reading this entry, have a good week ahead and add to your prayers that I would recover from this asap =) Thanks
Friday, September 08, 2006
Sick =(

Feel so sick and lethargic these few days =( Down with headache, running nose, sore throat and cough. What's worst, my mom cooked chicken curry and said it can cure my sore throat. How ironic...(And Yes I had a bowl of curry!) My sore throat didn't get worst, neither did I feel better thereafter. I went to visit my family doctor this evening. After the consultation, he told me "You look good". How ironic again! When I looked half dead.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Henri Nouwen (1)