Location: Singapore

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Saigon trip

Thinking back, the most memorable sight in Vietnam would probably be the journey to Nha Trang Beach with Alex. We were on a sleeper bus and I was awaken by the bright morning sun. The sun was rising behind a mountain range, the ray shines on the wet paddy field which glisten in the sunlight. The morning sun brought light and life to the farmland. It was such picturesque scene which could possibly move any urban dwellers to tears. The Japanese lady beside me was busy snapping photos. I didnt bring my camera with me. I will go back to Saigon and to the beach again =)

Talking about the Jap lady, she was travelling with another Jap guy who is pretty good looking. I was telling Alex they are such a sweet couple. Alex didnt think they were couple cos they don't behave intimately.

And Guess what!! During the island tour at the beach, We saw the Jap couple again. Now, the guy is with another Jap guy... they are obviously AJ and the girl was tanning alone.. hehe... The Jap lady took a pic of me and Alex. I requested for her to email me the pic.. But she never understand a single bit of English... so well nvm..

Lush is a bar / club in Saigon district 1. It became too gay and the owner mandated that every male guest must be accompanied by a female guest. This absurd rule was finally abolished when patronage no. dropped. I met the owner in the club and at a German beer launch party... He is AJ too.. I wonder why he came out with this requirement. Hmmm.... Maybe the Socialist Replublic of Vietnam is not very AJ friendly and do not encourage an AJ bar... And hence there is no AJ bar in Saigon. Alex also mentioned that he is not allowed to print a topless picture on his CD cover or a on a poster because it is not allowed in the country.

The launch party was nice. The beer was good. I don't see it in the local market as yet. In the party, I get to meet some famous singers, actress, models, media people.. Most people thought I was a Vietnamese.. I met a media guy, and after much translation from Alex's friend, I understood that he came to Singapore and visited geylang for sex. I just smiled... I didnt know how to react.

I am glad that I'm really lucky to meet Alex. He is really sweet. He took time out of his busy schedule to drive me round the city in his vespa, spend time with my friends and introduce us to authentic local food... And of course, brought me to the Beach Town while singing love songs during the journey.

Check out the pics here:
Launch Party
Saigon (1)
Saigon (2)

When is my next trip? Who will I meet? What will I see? =)


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